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EasyNotifier [Version 1.01] Downloads: 2358   
EasyNotifier is a Clarion wrapper around a .NET assembly DLL and a popup-less notification window, and saves the user from the "Click - on - the - OK - button - to - continue" pain.   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus     Download Trial/Demo  Buy Now! from  37000000.0 
EasyFingerPrint [Version 1.01] Downloads: 3   
EasyFingerPrint is a set of classes and templates allowing you to use Fingerprint SDK (Griaule Biometrics) 2009 for ActiveX in your Clarion applications.   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus  Buy Now! from  36000000.0 
eBook: Using .NET assemblies in Clarion for Windows [Version 1.00] Downloads: 0   
eBook: Using .NET assemblies in Clarion for Windows. In the Part 1 we will learn how to create COM-objects in C# and use them in the Clarion. In the Part 2 we will learn how to handle COM events.   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus  Buy Now! from  18000000.0 
EasyCOMCreator [Version 1.06] Downloads: 3844   
EasyCOMCreator utility is used to create a Component Object Model (COM) dynamic-link library (DLL) automatically using Clarion. It allows you to manage your Projects, Objects, Methods and Parameters, generates all necessary CLW/PRJ files!   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus     Download Trial/Demo  Buy Now! from  32000000.0 
EasyBundle EasyToolTip & EasyNotifier [Version ] Downloads: 0   
A bundle EasyToolTip & EasyNotifier   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus  Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
CWPlus [Version 3.02] Downloads: 5270   
CWPlus is an integrated tool for Clarion IDE and essentially allows you to simplify manual coding . CWPlus realizes analogues of the most important elements of Microsoft IntelliSense technology.   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus     Download Trial/Demo  Buy Now! from  110000000.0 
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" SQLDMO [Version 1.01] Downloads: 2982   
Demonstrates using of Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library and Microsoft Office XP Web Components in the Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus     Download Trial/Demo  Buy Now! from  29000000.0 
EasyCOM2INC "Ready to GO" WMI [Version 1.01] Downloads: 2882   
Demonstrates using of Microsoft WMI Scripting Library in the Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus     Download Trial/Demo  Buy Now! from  19000000.0 
EasyHelper [Version 1.00] Downloads: 694   
EasyHelper is a class and templates, allowing you to add a context help into the Clarion application.   show/hide more info...
   by Ingasoftplus  Buy Now! from  99000000.0 
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