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An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2009 released. jv16PowerTools   by  Macecraft Software
An updated version of jv16 PowerTools 2009 released. The updated version contains the following changes.

* Improved the Debug Log system to show more information about the product.
* Improved the internal safety mechanisms of the product to make sure problems like the invalid backup creation of the build 550 will not ever occur
* Fixed a bug that caused PowerTools to sometimes get stuck on an eternal window refresh loop.
* Fixed a bug that caused Registry Compactor not to be 100% compatible with 64 bit versions of Vista or XP, it now is. If you have used the feature
in these systems, there is no need to worry, nothing went wrong, you only might have not compacted all the possible registry storage files.
* Improved the compatibility of the product and 64 bit versions of Windows. The program can now be fully used under 64 bit OS. Only remaining problem
is that under 64 bit OS the Directory Selection used in many tools does not work properly.
* Added more options to Registry Cleaner's Advanced Options tab.
* Improved the way the Registry Cleaner shows information when removing data and scanning.
* Fixed a bug that caused the program sometimes not to display the list of available translations in the Quick Tutorial.
* Fixed a cosmetic bug that caused the Tools menu of the main window not to be updated if user changed the program's language.
* Improved the quality of the error fixing features of the Registry Cleaner, this means that the program is now able to more accurate find errors and
fixes for them, and not only delete the invalid data.
* Fixed a bug that caused the Registry Manager to show empty Open With Menu and Search Menu lists under Windows XP.
* Fixed a bug that caused SafetyNetV2 error(s) to be shown during a registry scan.
* Improved the way the program uses Windows Task Bar, now all the main program windows are listed in Windows Task Bar to allow individual windows to
be minimized and restored easily.

The new version's version number is After downloading and installing the new version, please open the Help > About window to verify you are
running the latest version. Some browsers tend to cache the installation file and therefore you might not receive the latest version but the same old
version you have previously downloaded.

You can install the new version over any previous versions of jv16 PowerTools 2009.
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