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Data Management Center - version DMC   by  CGF

Version released 14 Jan 2008 : when using the MySQL ODBC driver version 3.51.03 it is impossible to link to Tables - please update your driver to at least version 3.51.12The docs have been updated of course to reflect all those changes

  1. New Feature : Clone to SQL - select ANY source table (DAT-DBF-TPS-CSV) and create an exact cloned SQL Structure



  2. New Feature : Create from TXT File - use a TXT File containing a VALID TPS structure to create the table



  3. New Feature : Creation Wizard to create a new TPS or SQL Table - Use a Wizard to manually define a new TPS or SQL Table



  4. New Feature : support of FireBird InterBase SQL


  1. Added : Expiry date of your maintenance Plan in the "About Screen"



  2. Added : Right click support in ODBC connection module



  3. Modified : "Link By Name" mapping now takes care of DATE fields in SQL destinations



  4. Modified : TOPSPEED password is only asked if the table requires one



  5. Fixed bug : when SQL DATETIME was NULL



  6. Fixed bug : when Oracle or Pervasive where used in ODBC connection string (driver not saved properly)



  7. Fixed bug : in ODBC when a table Name had a space in it



  8. Fixed bug : UNIQUE KEY's were badly showing in mapping Tab



  9. Fixed bug : in record level conditional rules



  10. Fixed bug : when reading some DBF Tables with MEMO columns



  11. Fixed bug : when Oracle or PostGre SQL where destination, some columns were not well read



  12. Fixed bug : when an error occurred while reading a table, DMC would GPF without any error message.





when reading an EXCEL worksheet, the first row MUST contains VALID NAMES and all columns must be VALID (no currency signs etc...)


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