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Iron Speed Designer V5.1 is Here! isdes   di  Iron Speed, Inc.
New! Iron Speed Designer Version 5.1 Features
Advanced Application Features
Rich text editing with FCKEditor. Give your applications advanced text formatting capabilities, including fonts, colors, bullet lists and more. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
New sign-in bar expedites user login. This new tool bar aggregates the Sign In, Sign Out, Language Selection and Print buttons in a single, easy-to-find location common on many popular websites. (Professional and Enterprise Edition feature.)
Display rich text in web pages. Choose how to display text fields: formatted rich text or raw HTML source.
Microsoft Word reports. Want to email a table to someone? Just click the new “Microsoft Word Report” button to generate a report that can be emailed and printed! Word Reports use design themes so they look great, and you can easily customize report layouts using simple XML configuration files. Plus, the reports obey the user-selected filter, search and sort criteria, so what you see is what you get. (Professional and Enterprise Edition feature.)
Application Security
Active Directory security integrates with corporate standards. Quickly add Active Directory security to your applications with the updated Security Wizard. Your users will love the single sign-on capability. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Microsoft Access Manager (AzMan) role-based security. Use the policy store created and maintained by the Microsoft Access Manager to control user access to specific pages and controls. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Remember Me. This cookie-based feature remembers user names and passwords so application users can quickly sign-in. (Enterprise Edition feature.)
Improved Configuration and Customization
Intellisense. Explore the full class hierarchy from Iron Speed Designer's code editor, just like Microsoft Visual Studio.
New Page Wizard speeds page creation. Select database tables, fields, layout style, and a host of other options to quickly create customized pages.
Configurable column headers and pagination controls. Quickly add, remove, and configure column headers, pagination controls, button bars, and other table panel features.
Database and IDE Support
MySQL. Quickly create MySQL-based applications. Enjoy the same sophisticated features you've come to expect in your Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access and Oracle applications.
Access 2007. We continue our support for Microsoft Access’s latest release.
Visual Studio 2008 support. We continue our support for Microsoft’s latest release of Visual Studio, including .NET Framework 3.5 application generation.
Iron Speed Designer Version 5.1 System Requirements
.NET Framework 1.1 application generation discontinued. Version 5.1 will not generate .NET Framework 1.1 applications. However, the Migration Wizard will convert your .NET 1.1 application to .NET Framework 2.0.
Designed by mixer ®, 2006

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