We are working on a new upgrade to detect and support Clarion 11 Gold. Following product installers have been updated to detect and support Clarion 11 Gold:
EasyCOM2INC 2.14
EasyCOMCreator 1.06
EasyCam 1.09
EasyDotNet 1.09
EasyFingerPrint 1.01
EasyHTML 2.03
EasyListView 1.10
EasyNotifier 1.01
EasyNaviBar 1.05
EasyPDFMaker 1.00
EasyToolTip 1.01
EasyXML 1.07
dpQuery 2.11
Data Conversion template 1.92
EasyExcel 4.07
EasyReport 1.03
EasyMultiTag 2.10
EasyAutoEntry 1.04
EasyAnimation 1.02
It is available, free of charge, to all customers who have an active maintenance and support subscription plan.