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2007  38284  
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Total  908763
2012 by Month
Month Downloads
01  5505  
02  6979  
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12  8452  
Total  84807

2012 9 by Day
Day Downloads
01  79  
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22  419  
23  161  
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25  240  
26  341  
27  551  
28  422  
29  284  
30  186  
Total  6732
2012 9  15
Products   Downloads
Advanced SystemCare PRO    Buy Now!  
Antispam Marisuite for Outlook    Buy Now!  
ASProtect    Buy Now!  
Axure RP Pro    Buy Now!  
Build Automator    Buy Now!  
Camtasia Studio 7    Buy Now!  
Carbonite Online Backup    Buy Now!  
CFC Library    Buy Now!  
Codejock Calendar 2017    Buy Now!  
Codejock DockingPane 2017    Buy Now!  
Codejock PropertyGrid 2017    Buy Now!  
Codejock ShortcutBar 2017    Buy Now!  
Codejock SyntaxEdit 2017    Buy Now!  
Comodo Internet Security Pro    Buy Now!  
Data Conversion template    Buy Now! from  57000000.0 
Demoworks 2009    Buy Now!  
Doc-To-Help Enterprise    Buy Now!  
Dr.Web Anti-virus    Buy Now!  
Dr.Web Security Space    Buy Now!  
EasyBundleERS_E3D    Buy Now!  
EasyCOM2INC    Buy Now! from  75000000.0 
EasyCOMbundle    Buy Now! from  219000000.0 
EasyCOMCreator    Buy Now! from  33000000.0 
EasyDocker    Buy Now! from  22000000.0 
EasyExcel    Buy Now! from  57000000.0 
EasyListPrint    Buy Now! from  55000000.0 
EasyNaviBar    Buy Now! from  43000000.0 
EasyNETComponents    Buy Now!  
Essential Studio WPF Edition    Buy Now!  
Essential Tools    Buy Now!  
Genie Backup Manager 8 Home Edition    Buy Now!  
Help & Manual - Basic    Buy Now!  
Help & Manual - Professional    Buy Now!  
Help & Manual Premium Pack    Buy Now!  
Hora    Buy Now!  
HoraLight    Buy Now!  
Infix PDF Editor    Buy Now!  
Instrumentation Widgets    Buy Now!  
Iron Speed Designer    Buy Now!  
Kingsoft Office 2012 Professional    Buy Now!  
LiveLinq    Buy Now!  
MoleBox Virtualization Solution    Buy Now!  
NetSetMan Pro    Buy Now!  
NetZoom 11    Buy Now!  
Noyantis ChartPro Wrapper Template    Buy Now!  
Noyantis DockingPane Wrapper Template    Buy Now!  
Noyantis HtmlEditor Wrapper Template    Buy Now!  
PDF-TOOLS 4    Buy Now!  
PDF-XChange Lite    Buy Now!  
PL/SQL Debugger    Buy Now!  
PowerWF for Operations Manager (SCOM)    Buy Now!  
PowerWF for Service Manager (SCSM)    Buy Now!  
PowerWF System Center Bundle (bundle of SCOM & SCSM)    Buy Now!  
Raster-XChange    Buy Now!  
RoboForm    Buy Now!  
SetupBuilder Developer Edition    Buy Now!  
SetupBuilder Professional Edition    Buy Now!  
SharpShooter Reports    Buy Now!  
Snagit 10    Buy Now!  
SnagIt and Camtasia Studio Bundle    Buy Now!  
SQLyog MySQL GUI    Buy Now!  
Studio for iPhone    Buy Now!  
TDC Integrated package    Buy Now!  
The Bat!    Buy Now!  
Thin@Net    Buy Now!  
TraceIt Clarion Template    Buy Now!  
WS BIO-Medical-Tech Writing Version    Buy Now!  
WS Executive Writing Version    Buy Now!  
WS General Writing Version    Buy Now!  
Total    290
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